PRODEF legal information
Company name: PRODEF
Legal status: Public limited company with a board of directors (SA à conseil d’administration)
Establishment or headquarters address: 3 rue Jules Guesde 92300 Levallois-Perret
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 41 06 56 50
Share capital amount: €588 064
SIRET: 56207071400174
Trade and Companies Register registration number:
Nanterre B 562 070 714
Intracommunity VAT number: FR44562070714
Name of publication manager: Guillaume Fiévet
Website hosting provider: OVH
Site developer: EcloLINK
1. Information on cookies
For statistical and display purposes, this site uses cookies. These are small text files stored on your hard drive in order to save technical data on your browsing. Certain parts of this website may not function if the cookies are not accepted.
2. Purpose of the cookies used
We use cookies from Google Analytics. The data and statistics we collect using these cookies are used for the sole purpose of improving the quality of our services.
Google Analytics is used anonymously in order to improve the user experience on our website and offer you an intuitive browsing experience.
This data is not communicated to any third party whatsoever.
3. Your choices regarding the cookies
You can choose, at any time, to express and amend your cookie preferences, using the methods described below.
You can configure your browsing software so that cookies are saved in your terminal or, otherwise, rejected systematically or rejected depending on their issuer. You can also configure your browsing software so that the acceptance or refusal of cookies are offered to you punctually before a cookie is likely to be saved in your terminal. For more information, consult the “How to exercise your choices depending on the browser you use?” section.
3.1. Acceptance of cookies
The saving of a cookie in a terminal is subject to its user’s desire which can be freely expressed and amended at any time using the choices offered by their navigation software. If you have accepted, in your navigation software, the saving of cookies in your terminal, the cookies integrated into the pages and contents you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated area of your terminal. They will only be legible there by their issuer.
3.2. Refusal of cookies
If you refuse the saving of cookies in your terminal or if you delete ones which have been saved there, it is possible that you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities. This would also be the case if we (or our service providers) could not recognise, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display parameters, or the country from which your terminal appears to be connected to the Internet. Where necessary, we decline any liability for the consequences linked to the degraded operation of our services resulting from the impossibility to save or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and which you would have refused or deleted.
3.3. How do you exercise your choices depending on the browser you use?
For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in your browser’s help menu which will let you know how to amend your cookie preferences.
We encourage you to click on your browser’s name to access the corresponding help menu:
For Internet Explorer
For Safari
For Chrome
For Firefox
For Opera
You can also configure your browser so that it sends a code indicating to the websites that you do not wish to be monitored. (“Do Not Track” option).
We encourage you to click on your browser’s name to access the corresponding help menu:
For Internet Explorer
For Safari
For Chrome
For Firefox
For Opera
Personal data and confidentiality policy
1. Preservation and use of your personal data
The information collected via this website’s form is saved in a digitised file by EcloLINK for PRODEF to communicate the information linked to the brand and to PRODEF’s services.
It is kept for 1 year and is exclusively used by PRODEF SA à conseil d’administration for commercial purposes. It will not be communicated to a third party.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, you may exercise your right of access to your data and have it rectified by contacting contact[a] or by contacting the following address: Prodef, 3 rue Jules Guesde 92300 Levallois-Perret
2. Consent and processing of your personal data
By ticking the mandatory consent box before the submission of each form of the website (“I authorise PRODEF SA à conseil d’administration to contact me, in a customised manner, regarding its services to develop my business. ”), you explicitly authorise the storage and processing of your data for the purpose of making you aware of our services. You hereby authorise:
– An adviser from PRODEF SA à conseil d’administration to contact you about any business relations
– The marketing department to send you personalised information about our services
Tip: do you not wish to give your consent? Call us directly at 01 41 06 56 50. We will answer your questions by phone or post: PRODEF 3 rue Jules Guesde 92300 Levallois-Perret
Or by contact form available here (link for the contact form)
3. Consent withdrawal concerning your personal data
You have a right of access, amendment and/or deletion of your data at any time by contacting our IT department:
By email: contact[a]
By post: PRODEF 3 rue Jules Guesde 92300 Levallois-Perret
accompanied by a form of ID. Ideally, by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.
By contact form available here (link for the contact form)
The person responsible for the file has a maximum response deadline of 2 months following the request, whether it was exercised by post or email. The CNIL states: “If the request is incomplete (e.g absence of ID), the person responsible for the file has the right to request additional items: the deadline is then suspended and runs again once these items are provided.”
The limitations to the right of access are detailed on CNIL’s website and can be consulted by clicking here.